Hi my name is Dan Navarro and I've been writing a blog since February 2015. You can check out what I've put together at DanGoesToConcerts.blogspot.com Starting a blog just made sense. I was already going to concerts, might was well write about them.
In 2013 I had this to say about concerts:
A Concert
A concert is a live celebration of music; which is a celebration of the now, the then, and the future. You've got a million elements to devour into your conscious mind in every moment of the piece. It happens so quickly, moments last for seconds and minutes. But at the end it's an impression of a full production. These are little moments reflected off of centuries of moments. It's a stone in a pond. The stone represents the years packed into a solid piece, and when that solid piece is ready, a careful hand finds it. and it finds itself in it's very first original moment; tossed into the air, causing a splash which ripples it's own influence. As with any moment. Every moment found within the foundation of it's very own stone. The ripple always finding itself coming back to the epicenter caressing the stone with it's remembrance of a moment. The water spreading far and out, into it's own sediment creating it's own time. It's a time to play with your favorite band, it's a time to share with an army of fans. It's a time for nostalgia; the moment when the favorite lyric from the favorite song pour out of your favorite singers mouth. Sometimes it's a time of discovery; the first time your favorite lyrics comes out of your favorite singers mouth, and in that magical moment you don't even know the name of the song. Sometimes it's as socially rewarding, singing along with your new best friend, your new girlfriend, or just a passerby who holds only relevance to that moment. But is to be remembered for the rest of your life.As I continued to grow and expand my blog, WeGoToConcerts was really something that started making sense to me. Concerts are about everyone, a massive group of people who are enjoying the same thing. I'm going to continue sailing the DanGoesToConcerts ship therefore it is time to broaden the experience and start this collective.
- Daniel Navarro
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